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Informal definitions and lemmas

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Informal def: GaugeGroupI := The group SU(4) x SU(2) x SU(2).

Informal def: embedSM := The group homomorphism SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) -> SU(4) x SU(2) x SU(2) taking (h, g, α) to (blockdiag (α h, α ^ (-3)), g, diag(α ^ (3), α ^(-3))).

Informal def: gaugeGroupISpinEquiv := The equivalence between GaugeGroupI and Spin(6) × Spin(4).

Informal def: gaugeGroupℤ₂SubGroup := The ℤ₂-subgroup of ``GaugeGroupI with the non-trivial element (-1, -1, -1).

Informal def: GaugeGroupℤ₂ := The quotient of ``GaugeGroupI by the ℤ₂-subgroup gaugeGroupℤ₂SubGroup.

Informal lemma: sm_ℤ₆_factor_through_gaugeGroupℤ₂SubGroup := The group StandardModel.gaugeGroupℤ₆SubGroup under the homomorphismembedSM factors through the subgroup ``gaugeGroupℤ₂SubGroup.

Informal def: embedSMℤ₆Toℤ₂ := The group homomorphism from StandardModel.GaugeGroupℤ₆ toGaugeGroupℤ₂ induced by ``embedSM.


Informal def: GaugeGroupI := The group Spin(10).

Informal def: embedPatiSalam := The lift of the embedding SO(6) x SO(4) → SO(10) to universal covers, giving a homomorphism Spin(6) x Spin(4) → Spin(10). Precomposed with the isomorphism, ``PatiSalam.gaugeGroupISpinEquiv, between SU(4) x SU(2) x SU(2) and Spin(6) x Spin(4).


Informal def: Restricted := The subgroup of the Lorentz group consisting of elements which are proper and orthochronous.


Informal lemma: toLorentzGroup_det_one := The determinant of the image of SL(2, ℂ) in the Lorentz group is one.

Informal lemma: toLorentzGroup_timeComp_nonneg := The time coponent of the image of SL(2, ℂ) in the Lorentz group is non-negative.

Informal lemma: toRestrictedLorentzGroup := The homomorphism from SL(2, ℂ) to the restricted Lorentz group.


Informal def: leftHandedWeylFermion := The vector space ℂ^2 carrying the fundamental representation of SL(2,C).

Informal def: rightHandedWeylFermion := The vector space ℂ^2 carrying the conjguate representation of SL(2,C).

Informal def: altLeftHandedWeylFermion := The vector space ℂ^2 carrying the representation of SL(2,C) given by M → (M⁻¹)ᵀ.

Informal def: altRightHandedWeylFermion := The vector space ℂ^2 carrying the representation of SL(2,C) given by M → (M⁻¹)^†.

Informal def: leftHandedWeylFermionAltEquiv := The linear equiv between leftHandedWeylFermion and altLeftHandedWeylFermion given by multiplying an element of rightHandedWeylFermion by the matrix εᵃ⁰ᵃ¹ = !![0, 1; -1, 0]].

Informal lemma: leftHandedWeylFermionAltEquiv_equivariant := The linear equiv leftHandedWeylFermionAltEquiv is equivariant with respect to the action of SL(2,C) on leftHandedWeylFermion and altLeftHandedWeylFermion.

Informal def: rightHandedWeylFermionAltEquiv := The linear equiv between rightHandedWeylFermion and altRightHandedWeylFermion given by multiplying an element of rightHandedWeylFermion by the matrix εᵃ⁰ᵃ¹ = !![0, 1; -1, 0]]

Informal lemma: rightHandedWeylFermionAltEquiv_equivariant := The linear equiv rightHandedWeylFermionAltEquiv is equivariant with respect to the action of SL(2,C) on rightHandedWeylFermion and altRightHandedWeylFermion.

Informal def: leftAltWeylFermionContraction := The linear map from leftHandedWeylFermion ⊗ altLeftHandedWeylFermion to ℂ given by summing over components of leftHandedWeylFermion and altLeftHandedWeylFermion in the standard basis (i.e. the dot product).

Informal lemma: leftAltWeylFermionContraction_invariant := The contraction leftAltWeylFermionContraction is invariant with respect to the action of SL(2,C) on leftHandedWeylFermion and altLeftHandedWeylFermion.

Informal def: altLeftWeylFermionContraction := The linear map from altLeftHandedWeylFermion ⊗ leftHandedWeylFermion to ℂ given by summing over components of altLeftHandedWeylFermion and leftHandedWeylFermion in the standard basis (i.e. the dot product).

Informal lemma: leftAltWeylFermionContraction_symm_altLeftWeylFermionContraction := The linear map altLeftWeylFermionContraction is leftAltWeylFermionContraction composed with the braiding of the tensor product.

Informal lemma: altLeftWeylFermionContraction_invariant := The contraction altLeftWeylFermionContraction is invariant with respect to the action of SL(2,C) on leftHandedWeylFermion and altLeftHandedWeylFermion.

Informal def: rightAltWeylFermionContraction := The linear map from rightHandedWeylFermion ⊗ altRightHandedWeylFermion to ℂ given by summing over components of rightHandedWeylFermion and altRightHandedWeylFermion in the standard basis (i.e. the dot product).

Informal lemma: rightAltWeylFermionContraction_invariant := The contraction rightAltWeylFermionContraction is invariant with respect to the action of SL(2,C) on rightHandedWeylFermion and altRightHandedWeylFermion.

Informal def: altRightWeylFermionContraction := The linear map from altRightHandedWeylFermion ⊗ rightHandedWeylFermion to ℂ given by summing over components of altRightHandedWeylFermion and rightHandedWeylFermion in the standard basis (i.e. the dot product).

Informal lemma: rightAltWeylFermionContraction_symm_altRightWeylFermionContraction := The linear map altRightWeylFermionContraction is rightAltWeylFermionContraction composed with the braiding of the tensor product.

Informal lemma: altRightWeylFermionContraction_invariant := The contraction altRightWeylFermionContraction is invariant with respect to the action of SL(2,C) on rightHandedWeylFermion and altRightHandedWeylFermion.


Informal def: gaugeGroupℤ₆SubGroup := The ℤ₆-subgroup of ``GaugeGroupI with elements (α^2 * I₃, α^(-3) * I₂, α), where α is a sixth complex root of unity.

Informal def: GaugeGroupℤ₆ := The quotient of ``GaugeGroupI by the ℤ₆-subgroup gaugeGroupℤ₆SubGroup.

Informal def: gaugeGroupℤ₂SubGroup := The ℤ₂-subgroup of ``GaugeGroupI derived from the ℤ₂ subgroup of gaugeGroupℤ₆SubGroup.

Informal def: GaugeGroupℤ₂ := The quotient of ``GaugeGroupI by the ℤ₂-subgroup gaugeGroupℤ₂SubGroup.

Informal def: gaugeGroupℤ₃SubGroup := The ℤ₃-subgroup of ``GaugeGroupI derived from the ℤ₃ subgroup of gaugeGroupℤ₆SubGroup.

Informal def: GaugeGroupℤ₃ := The quotient of ``GaugeGroupI by the ℤ₃-subgroup gaugeGroupℤ₃SubGroup.

Informal def: GaugeGroup := The map from GaugeGroupQuot to Type which gives the gauge group of the Standard Model for a given choice of quotient.


Informal lemma: zero_is_zero_section := The HiggsField zero defined by ofReal 0 is the constant zero-section of the bundle HiggsBundle.


Informal lemma: stability_group_single := The stablity group of the action of rep on ![0, Complex.ofReal ‖φ‖], for non-zero ‖φ‖ is the SU(3) x U(1) subgroup of gaugeGroup := SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) with the embedding given by (g, e^{i θ}) ↦ (g, diag (e ^ {3 * i θ}, e ^ {- 3 * i θ}), e^{i θ}).

Informal lemma: stability_group := The subgroup of gaugeGroup := SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) which preserves every HiggsVec by the action of ``StandardModel.HiggsVec.rep is given by SU(3) x ℤ₆ where ℤ₆ is the subgroup of SU(2) x U(1) with elements (α^(-3) * I₂, α) where α is a sixth root of unity.


Informal lemma: isBounded_iff_of_𝓵_zero := For P : Potential then P.IsBounded if and only if P.μ2 ≤ 0. That is to say - P.μ2 * ‖φ‖_H ^ 2 x is bounded below if and only if P.μ2 ≤ 0.