

Normalizing an index list. #

The normalization of an index list, is the corresponding index list where all id are set to 0, 1, 2, ... determined by the order of indices without duals, followed by the order of indices with duals.

TODO: Replace with Mathlib lemma.

theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.dedup_map_of_injective' {α : Type} [DecidableEq α] (f : α) (l : List α) (hf : Il, Jl, f I = f J I = J) :
( f l).dedup = f l.dedup

TODO: Replace with Mathlib lemma.

theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.indexOf_map {α : Type} [DecidableEq α] (f : α) (l : List α) (n : α) (hf : Il, ∀ (J : α), f I = f J I = J) :
theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.indexOf_map_fin {α : Type} {m : } [DecidableEq α] (f : αFin m) (l : List α) (n : α) (hf : Il, ∀ (J : α), f I = f J I = J) :
theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.indexOf_map' {α : Type} [DecidableEq α] (f : α) (g : αα) (l : List α) (n : α) (hf : Il, ∀ (J : α), f I = f J g I = g J) (hg : Il, g I = I) (hs : ∀ (I : α), f I = f (g I)) :
List.indexOf (g n) l = List.indexOf (f n) ( f l)
theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.filter_dedup {α : Type} [DecidableEq α] (l : List α) (p : αProp) [DecidablePred p] :
(List.filter (fun (b : α) => decide (p b)) l).dedup = List.filter (fun (b : α) => decide (p b)) l.dedup
theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.findIdx?_map {α : Type} {β : Type} (p : αBool) (f : βα) (l : List β) :
theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.findIdx?_on_finRange {n : } (p : Fin n.succProp) [DecidablePred p] (hp : ¬p 0) :
List.findIdx? (fun (b : Fin n.succ) => decide (p b)) (List.finRange n.succ) = (fun (i : ) => i + 1) (List.findIdx? ((fun (b : Fin n.succ) => decide (p b)) Fin.succ) (List.finRange n))

idList #

The list of elements of Fin l.length i is in idListFin if l.idMap i appears for the first time in the ith spot.

For example, for the list ['ᵘ¹', 'ᵘ²', 'ᵤ₁'] the idListFin is [0, 1].

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.idListFin_getDualInOther? {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) :
    l.idListFin = List.filter (fun (i : Fin l.length) => decide (l.getDualInOther? l i = some i)) (List.finRange l.length)

    The list of ids keeping only the first appearance of each id.

    Instances For
      theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.idList_getDualInOther? {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) :
      l.idList = l.idMap (List.filter (fun (i : Fin l.length) => decide (l.getDualInOther? l i = some i)) (List.finRange l.length))
      theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.idMap_mem_idList {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) (i : Fin l.length) :
      l.idMap i l.idList
      theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.idList_indexOf_mem {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) {I : IndexNotation.Index X} {J : IndexNotation.Index X} (hI : I l.val) (hJ : J l.val) :
      List.indexOf l.idList = List.indexOf l.idList =
      theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.idList_indexOf_get {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) (i : Fin l.length) :
      List.indexOf (l.idMap i) l.idList = List.indexOf ((l.getDualInOther? l i).get ) l.idListFin

      GetDualCast #

      Two IndexLists are related by GetDualCast if they are the same length, and have the same dual structure.

      For example, ['ᵘ¹', 'ᵘ²', 'ᵤ₁'] and ['ᵤ₄', 'ᵘ⁵', 'ᵤ₄'] are related by GetDualCast, but ['ᵘ¹', 'ᵘ²', 'ᵤ₁'] and ['ᵘ¹', 'ᵘ²', 'ᵤ₃'] are not.

      Instances For
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.symm {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) :
        l2.GetDualCast l
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.getDual?_isSome_iff {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) (i : Fin l.length) :
        (l.getDual? i).isSome = true (l2.getDual? (Fin.cast i)).isSome = true
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.getDual?_get {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) (i : Fin l.length) (h1 : (l.getDual? i).isSome = true) :
        (l.getDual? i).get h1 = Fin.cast ((l2.getDual? (Fin.cast i)).get )
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.areDualInSelf_of {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) (i : Fin l.length) (j : Fin l.length) (hA : l.AreDualInSelf i j) :
        l2.AreDualInSelf (Fin.cast i) (Fin.cast j)
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.areDualInSelf_iff {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) (i : Fin l.length) (j : Fin l.length) :
        l.AreDualInSelf i j l2.AreDualInSelf (Fin.cast i) (Fin.cast j)
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.idMap_eq_of {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) (i : Fin l.length) (j : Fin l.length) (hm : l.idMap i = l.idMap j) :
        l2.idMap (Fin.cast i) = l2.idMap (Fin.cast j)
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.idMap_eq_iff {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) (i : Fin l.length) (j : Fin l.length) :
        l.idMap i = l.idMap j l2.idMap (Fin.cast i) = l2.idMap (Fin.cast j)
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.iff_idMap_eq {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} :
        l.GetDualCast l2 l.length = l2.length ∀ (h : l.length = l2.length) (i j : Fin l.length), l.idMap i = l.idMap j l2.idMap (Fin.cast h i) = l2.idMap (Fin.cast h j)
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.trans {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l3 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) (h' : l2.GetDualCast l3) :
        l.GetDualCast l3
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.getDualInOther?_get {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) (i : Fin l.length) :
        (l.getDualInOther? l i).get = Fin.cast ((l2.getDualInOther? l2 (Fin.cast i)).get )
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.countId_cast {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) (i : Fin l.length) :
        l.countId (l.val.get i) = l2.countId (l2.val.get (Fin.cast i))
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.idListFin_cast {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) : (Fin.cast ) l.idListFin = l2.idListFin
        theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.idList_indexOf {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) (i : Fin l.length) :
        List.indexOf (l2.idMap (Fin.cast i)) l2.idList = List.indexOf (l.idMap i) l.idList

        Normalized index list #

        Given an index list l, the corresponding index list where id's are set to sequentially lowest values.

        E.g. on ['ᵘ¹', 'ᵘ³', 'ᵤ₁'] this gives ['ᵘ⁰', 'ᵘ¹', 'ᵤ₀'].

        Instances For
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_eq_map {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) :
          l.normalize.val = (fun (I : IndexNotation.Index X) => (I.toColor, List.indexOf l.idList)) l.val
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_length {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) :
          l.normalize.length = l.length
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_val_length {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) :
          l.normalize.val.length = l.val.length
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_colorMap {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) :
          l.normalize.colorMap = l.colorMap Fin.cast
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.colorMap_normalize {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) :
          l.colorMap = l.normalize.colorMap Fin.cast
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_countId {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) (i : Fin l.normalize.length) :
          l.normalize.countId l.normalize.val[i] = l.countId (l.val.get i, )
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_countId' {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) (i : Fin l.length) (hi : i < l.normalize.length) :
          l.normalize.countId l.normalize.val[i] = l.countId (l.val.get i)
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_countId_mem {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) (I : IndexNotation.Index X) (h : I l.val) :
          l.normalize.countId (I.toColor, List.indexOf l.idList) = l.countId I
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_filter_countId_eq_one {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) :
 (List.filter (fun (I : IndexNotation.Index X) => decide (l.normalize.countId I = 1)) l.normalize.val) = (fun (a : ) => List.indexOf a l.idList) ( (List.filter (fun (I : IndexNotation.Index X) => decide (l.countId I = 1)) l.val))
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_idMap_apply {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) (i : Fin l.normalize.length) :
          l.normalize.idMap i = List.indexOf (l.val.get i, ).id l.idList
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_filter_countId_not_eq_one {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) :
 (List.filter (fun (I : IndexNotation.Index X) => decide ¬l.normalize.countId I = 1) l.normalize.val) = (fun (a : ) => List.indexOf a l.idList) ( (List.filter (fun (I : IndexNotation.Index X) => decide ¬l.countId I = 1) l.val))
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.to_normalize {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) :
          l.normalize.GetDualCast l2.normalize
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.normalize_idMap_eq {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.GetDualCast l2) :
          l.normalize.idMap = l2.normalize.idMap Fin.cast
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.GetDualCast.iff_normalize {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} :
          l.GetDualCast l2 l.normalize.length = l2.normalize.length ∀ (h : l.normalize.length = l2.normalize.length), l.normalize.idMap = l2.normalize.idMap Fin.cast h
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_normalize {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) :
          l.normalize.normalize = l.normalize

          Equality of normalized forms #

          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_length_eq_of_eq_length {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) (l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X) (h : l.length = l2.length) :
          l.normalize.length = l2.normalize.length
          theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.normalize_colorMap_eq_of_eq_colorMap {X : Type} (l : IndexNotation.IndexList X) (l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X) (h : l.length = l2.length) (hc : l.colorMap = l2.colorMap Fin.cast h) :
          l.normalize.colorMap = l2.normalize.colorMap Fin.cast

          Reindexing #

          Two ColorIndexList are said to be reindexes of one another if they:

          1. have the same length.
          2. every corresponding index has the same color, and duals which correspond.

          Note: This does not allow for reordering of indices.

          Instances For
            theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.Reindexing.iff_getDualCast {X : Type} {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} :
            l.Reindexing l2 l.GetDualCast l2 ∀ (h : l.length = l2.length), l.colorMap = l2.colorMap Fin.cast h
            theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.Reindexing.iff_normalize {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} :
            l.Reindexing l2 l.normalize = l2.normalize
            theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.Reindexing.symm {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.Reindexing l2) :
            l2.Reindexing l
            theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.Reindexing.trans {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l3 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.Reindexing l2) (h' : l2.Reindexing l3) :
            l.Reindexing l3