

Subperm for index lists. #

An IndexList l is a subpermutation of l2 if there are no duals in l, and every element of l has a unique dual in l2.

  • l.Subperm l2 = (l.withUniqueDualInOther l2 = Finset.univ)
Instances For
    theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.Subperm.iff_countId_fin {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} :
    l.Subperm l2 ∀ (i : Fin l.val.length), l.countId (l.val.get i) = 1 l2.countId (l.val.get i) = 1
    theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.Subperm.iff_countId {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} :
    l.Subperm l2 ∀ (I : IndexNotation.Index X), l.countId I 1 (l.countId I = 1l2.countId I = 1)
    theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.Subperm.trans {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l3 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h1 : l.Subperm l2) (h2 : l2.Subperm l3) :
    l.Subperm l3
    theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.Subperm.symm {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} {l2 : IndexNotation.IndexList X} (h : l.Subperm l2) (hl : l.length = l2.length) :
    l2.Subperm l
    theorem IndexNotation.IndexList.Subperm.contr_refl {X : Type} [DecidableEq X] {l : IndexNotation.IndexList X} :
    l.contrIndexList.Subperm l.contrIndexList