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The complex numbers #

The complex numbers are modelled as ℝ^2 in the obvious way and it is shown that they form a field of characteristic zero. The result that the complex numbers are algebraically closed, see FieldTheory.AlgebraicClosure.

Definition and basic arithmetic #

structure Complex :

Complex numbers consist of two Reals: a real part re and an imaginary part im.

  • re :

    The real part of a complex number.

  • im :

    The imaginary part of a complex number.

Instances For

    Complex numbers consist of two Reals: a real part re and an imaginary part im.

    Instances For
      theorem Complex.equivRealProd_apply (z : ) :
      Complex.equivRealProd z = (z.re, z.im)

      The equivalence between the complex numbers and ℝ × ℝ.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        theorem Complex.eta (z : ) :
        { re := z.re, im := z.im } = z
        theorem Complex.ext {z : } {w : } :
        z.re = w.rez.im = w.imz = w
        theorem Complex.ext_iff {z : } {w : } :
        z = w z.re = w.re z.im = w.im

        The natural inclusion of the real numbers into the complex numbers.

        • r = { re := r, im := 0 }
        Instances For
          @[deprecated Complex.ofReal]

          Alias of Complex.ofReal.

          The natural inclusion of the real numbers into the complex numbers.

          Instances For
            theorem Complex.ofReal_re (r : ) :
            (↑r).re = r
            theorem Complex.ofReal_im (r : ) :
            (↑r).im = 0
            theorem Complex.ofReal_def (r : ) :
            r = { re := r, im := 0 }
            theorem Complex.ofReal_inj {z : } {w : } :
            z = w z = w
            instance Complex.canLift :
            CanLift Complex.ofReal fun (z : ) => z.im = 0

            The product of a set on the real axis and a set on the imaginary axis of the complex plane, denoted by s ×ℂ t.

            Instances For

              The product of a set on the real axis and a set on the imaginary axis of the complex plane, denoted by s ×ℂ t.

              Instances For
                theorem Complex.mem_reProdIm {z : } {s : Set } {t : Set } :
                z s ×ℂ t z.re s z.im t
                theorem Complex.ofReal_zero :
                0 = 0
                theorem Complex.ofReal_eq_zero {z : } :
                z = 0 z = 0
                theorem Complex.ofReal_ne_zero {z : } :
                z 0 z 0
                theorem Complex.ofReal_one :
                1 = 1
                theorem Complex.ofReal_eq_one {z : } :
                z = 1 z = 1
                theorem Complex.ofReal_ne_one {z : } :
                z 1 z 1
                theorem Complex.add_re (z : ) (w : ) :
                (z + w).re = z.re + w.re
                theorem Complex.add_im (z : ) (w : ) :
                (z + w).im = z.im + w.im
                theorem Complex.ofReal_add (r : ) (s : ) :
                (r + s) = r + s
                theorem Complex.neg_re (z : ) :
                (-z).re = -z.re
                theorem Complex.neg_im (z : ) :
                (-z).im = -z.im
                theorem Complex.ofReal_neg (r : ) :
                (-r) = -r
                theorem Complex.mul_re (z : ) (w : ) :
                (z * w).re = z.re * w.re - z.im * w.im
                theorem Complex.mul_im (z : ) (w : ) :
                (z * w).im = z.re * w.im + z.im * w.re
                theorem Complex.ofReal_mul (r : ) (s : ) :
                (r * s) = r * s
                theorem Complex.re_ofReal_mul (r : ) (z : ) :
                (r * z).re = r * z.re
                theorem Complex.im_ofReal_mul (r : ) (z : ) :
                (r * z).im = r * z.im
                theorem Complex.re_mul_ofReal (z : ) (r : ) :
                (z * r).re = z.re * r
                theorem Complex.im_mul_ofReal (z : ) (r : ) :
                (z * r).im = z.im * r
                theorem Complex.ofReal_mul' (r : ) (z : ) :
                r * z = { re := r * z.re, im := r * z.im }

                The imaginary unit, I #

                The imaginary unit.

                Instances For
                  theorem Complex.I_re :
                  theorem Complex.I_im :
                  theorem Complex.I_mul (z : ) :
                  Complex.I * z = { re := -z.im, im := z.re }
                  theorem Complex.mk_eq_add_mul_I (a : ) (b : ) :
                  { re := a, im := b } = a + b * Complex.I
                  theorem Complex.re_add_im (z : ) :
                  z.re + z.im * Complex.I = z
                  theorem Complex.mul_I_re (z : ) :
                  (z * Complex.I).re = -z.im
                  theorem Complex.mul_I_im (z : ) :
                  (z * Complex.I).im = z.re
                  theorem Complex.I_mul_re (z : ) :
                  (Complex.I * z).re = -z.im
                  theorem Complex.I_mul_im (z : ) :
                  (Complex.I * z).im = z.re
                  theorem Complex.equivRealProdAddHom_apply (z : ) :
                  Complex.equivRealProdAddHom z = (z.re, z.im)

                  The natural AddEquiv from to ℝ × ℝ.

                  Instances For

                    Commutative ring instance and lemmas #

                    Scalar multiplication by R on extends to . This is used here and in Matlib.Data.Complex.Module to transfer instances from to , but is not needed outside, so we make it scoped.

                    • Complex.SMul.instSMulRealComplex = { smul := fun (r : R) (x : ) => { re := r x.re - 0 * x.im, im := r x.im + 0 * x.re } }
                    Instances For
                      theorem Complex.smul_re {R : Type u_1} [SMul R ] (r : R) (z : ) :
                      (r z).re = r z.re
                      theorem Complex.smul_im {R : Type u_1} [SMul R ] (r : R) (z : ) :
                      (r z).im = r z.im
                      theorem Complex.real_smul {x : } {z : } :
                      x z = x * z
                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

                      This shortcut instance ensures we do not find Ring via the noncomputable Complex.field instance.


                      This shortcut instance ensures we do not find CommSemiring via the noncomputable Complex.field instance.


                      This shortcut instance ensures we do not find Semiring via the noncomputable Complex.field instance.


                      The "real part" map, considered as an additive group homomorphism.

                      Instances For

                        The "imaginary part" map, considered as an additive group homomorphism.

                        Instances For

                          Cast lemmas #

                          noncomputable instance Complex.instNNRatCast :
                          noncomputable instance Complex.instRatCast :
                          theorem Complex.ofReal_ofNat (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
                          theorem Complex.ofReal_natCast (n : ) :
                          n = n
                          theorem Complex.ofReal_intCast (n : ) :
                          n = n
                          theorem Complex.ofReal_nnratCast (q : ℚ≥0) :
                          q = q
                          theorem Complex.ofReal_ratCast (q : ) :
                          q = q
                          @[deprecated Complex.ofReal_ratCast]
                          theorem Complex.ofReal_rat_cast (q : ) :
                          q = q

                          Alias of Complex.ofReal_ratCast.

                          theorem Complex.re_ofNat (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
                          theorem Complex.im_ofNat (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
                          (OfNat.ofNat n).im = 0
                          theorem Complex.natCast_re (n : ) :
                          (↑n).re = n
                          theorem Complex.natCast_im (n : ) :
                          (↑n).im = 0
                          theorem Complex.intCast_re (n : ) :
                          (↑n).re = n
                          theorem Complex.intCast_im (n : ) :
                          (↑n).im = 0
                          theorem Complex.re_nnratCast (q : ℚ≥0) :
                          (↑q).re = q
                          theorem Complex.im_nnratCast (q : ℚ≥0) :
                          (↑q).im = 0
                          theorem Complex.ratCast_re (q : ) :
                          (↑q).re = q
                          theorem Complex.ratCast_im (q : ) :
                          (↑q).im = 0
                          theorem Complex.re_nsmul (n : ) (z : ) :
                          (n z).re = n z.re
                          theorem Complex.im_nsmul (n : ) (z : ) :
                          (n z).im = n z.im
                          theorem Complex.re_zsmul (n : ) (z : ) :
                          (n z).re = n z.re
                          theorem Complex.im_zsmul (n : ) (z : ) :
                          (n z).im = n z.im
                          theorem Complex.re_nnqsmul (q : ℚ≥0) (z : ) :
                          (q z).re = q z.re
                          theorem Complex.im_nnqsmul (q : ℚ≥0) (z : ) :
                          (q z).im = q z.im
                          theorem Complex.re_qsmul (q : ) (z : ) :
                          (q z).re = q z.re
                          theorem Complex.im_qsmul (q : ) (z : ) :
                          (q z).im = q z.im
                          @[deprecated Complex.ratCast_im]
                          theorem Complex.rat_cast_im (q : ) :
                          (↑q).im = 0

                          Alias of Complex.ratCast_im.

                          theorem Complex.ofReal_nsmul (n : ) (r : ) :
                          (n r) = n r
                          theorem Complex.ofReal_zsmul (n : ) (r : ) :
                          (n r) = n r

                          Complex conjugation #

                          This defines the complex conjugate as the star operation of the StarRing. It is recommended to use the ring endomorphism version starRingEnd, available under the notation conj in the locale ComplexConjugate.

                          theorem Complex.conj_re (z : ) :
                          ((starRingEnd ) z).re = z.re
                          theorem Complex.conj_im (z : ) :
                          ((starRingEnd ) z).im = -z.im
                          theorem Complex.conj_ofReal (r : ) :
                          (starRingEnd ) r = r
                          theorem Complex.conj_natCast (n : ) :
                          (starRingEnd ) n = n
                          @[deprecated Complex.conj_natCast]
                          theorem Complex.conj_nat_cast (n : ) :
                          (starRingEnd ) n = n

                          Alias of Complex.conj_natCast.

                          theorem Complex.conj_ofNat (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
                          theorem Complex.conj_eq_iff_real {z : } :
                          (starRingEnd ) z = z ∃ (r : ), z = r
                          theorem Complex.conj_eq_iff_re {z : } :
                          (starRingEnd ) z = z z.re = z
                          theorem Complex.conj_eq_iff_im {z : } :
                          (starRingEnd ) z = z z.im = 0
                          theorem Complex.star_def :
                          star = (starRingEnd )

                          Norm squared #

                          The norm squared function.

                          Instances For
                            theorem Complex.normSq_apply (z : ) :
                            Complex.normSq z = z.re * z.re + z.im * z.im
                            theorem Complex.normSq_ofReal (r : ) :
                            Complex.normSq r = r * r
                            theorem Complex.normSq_natCast (n : ) :
                            Complex.normSq n = n * n
                            @[deprecated Complex.normSq_natCast]
                            theorem Complex.normSq_nat_cast (n : ) :
                            Complex.normSq n = n * n

                            Alias of Complex.normSq_natCast.

                            theorem Complex.normSq_intCast (z : ) :
                            Complex.normSq z = z * z
                            @[deprecated Complex.normSq_intCast]
                            theorem Complex.normSq_int_cast (z : ) :
                            Complex.normSq z = z * z

                            Alias of Complex.normSq_intCast.

                            theorem Complex.normSq_ratCast (q : ) :
                            Complex.normSq q = q * q
                            @[deprecated Complex.normSq_ratCast]
                            theorem Complex.normSq_rat_cast (q : ) :
                            Complex.normSq q = q * q

                            Alias of Complex.normSq_ratCast.

                            theorem Complex.normSq_ofNat (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
                            Complex.normSq (OfNat.ofNat n) = OfNat.ofNat n * OfNat.ofNat n
                            theorem Complex.normSq_mk (x : ) (y : ) :
                            Complex.normSq { re := x, im := y } = x * x + y * y
                            theorem Complex.normSq_add_mul_I (x : ) (y : ) :
                            Complex.normSq (x + y * Complex.I) = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2
                            theorem Complex.normSq_eq_conj_mul_self {z : } :
                            (Complex.normSq z) = (starRingEnd ) z * z
                            theorem Complex.normSq_zero :
                            Complex.normSq 0 = 0
                            theorem Complex.normSq_one :
                            Complex.normSq 1 = 1
                            theorem Complex.normSq_I :
                            Complex.normSq Complex.I = 1
                            theorem Complex.normSq_nonneg (z : ) :
                            0 Complex.normSq z
                            theorem Complex.normSq_eq_zero {z : } :
                            Complex.normSq z = 0 z = 0
                            theorem Complex.normSq_pos {z : } :
                            0 < Complex.normSq z z 0
                            theorem Complex.normSq_neg (z : ) :
                            Complex.normSq (-z) = Complex.normSq z
                            theorem Complex.normSq_conj (z : ) :
                            Complex.normSq ((starRingEnd ) z) = Complex.normSq z
                            theorem Complex.normSq_mul (z : ) (w : ) :
                            Complex.normSq (z * w) = Complex.normSq z * Complex.normSq w
                            theorem Complex.normSq_add (z : ) (w : ) :
                            Complex.normSq (z + w) = Complex.normSq z + Complex.normSq w + 2 * (z * (starRingEnd ) w).re
                            theorem Complex.re_sq_le_normSq (z : ) :
                            z.re * z.re Complex.normSq z
                            theorem Complex.im_sq_le_normSq (z : ) :
                            z.im * z.im Complex.normSq z
                            theorem Complex.mul_conj (z : ) :
                            z * (starRingEnd ) z = (Complex.normSq z)
                            theorem Complex.add_conj (z : ) :
                            z + (starRingEnd ) z = (2 * z.re)

                            The coercion ℝ → ℂ as a RingHom.

                            Instances For
                              theorem Complex.ofRealHom_eq_coe (r : ) :
                              Complex.ofRealHom r = r
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_comp_add {α : Type u_1} (f : α) (g : α) :
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_comp_sub {α : Type u_1} (f : α) (g : α) :
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_comp_neg {α : Type u_1} (f : α) :
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_comp_nsmul {α : Type u_1} (n : ) (f : α) :
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_comp_zsmul {α : Type u_1} (n : ) (f : α) :
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_comp_mul {α : Type u_1} (f : α) (g : α) :
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_comp_pow {α : Type u_1} (f : α) (n : ) :
                              theorem Complex.I_sq :
                              theorem Complex.sub_re (z : ) (w : ) :
                              (z - w).re = z.re - w.re
                              theorem Complex.sub_im (z : ) (w : ) :
                              (z - w).im = z.im - w.im
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_sub (r : ) (s : ) :
                              (r - s) = r - s
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_pow (r : ) (n : ) :
                              (r ^ n) = r ^ n
                              theorem Complex.sub_conj (z : ) :
                              z - (starRingEnd ) z = (2 * z.im) * Complex.I
                              theorem Complex.normSq_sub (z : ) (w : ) :
                              Complex.normSq (z - w) = Complex.normSq z + Complex.normSq w - 2 * (z * (starRingEnd ) w).re

                              Inversion #

                              noncomputable instance Complex.instInv :
                              theorem Complex.inv_def (z : ) :
                              z⁻¹ = (starRingEnd ) z * (Complex.normSq z)⁻¹
                              theorem Complex.inv_re (z : ) :
                              z⁻¹.re = z.re / Complex.normSq z
                              theorem Complex.inv_im (z : ) :
                              z⁻¹.im = -z.im / Complex.normSq z
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_inv (r : ) :
                              r⁻¹ = (↑r)⁻¹
                              theorem Complex.mul_inv_cancel {z : } (h : z 0) :
                              z * z⁻¹ = 1
                              theorem Complex.div_re (z : ) (w : ) :
                              (z / w).re = z.re * w.re / Complex.normSq w + z.im * w.im / Complex.normSq w
                              theorem Complex.div_im (z : ) (w : ) :
                              (z / w).im = z.im * w.re / Complex.normSq w - z.re * w.im / Complex.normSq w

                              Field instance and lemmas #

                              noncomputable instance Complex.instField :
                              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_nnqsmul (q : ℚ≥0) (r : ) :
                              (q r) = q r
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_qsmul (q : ) (r : ) :
                              (q r) = q r
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_div (r : ) (s : ) :
                              (r / s) = r / s
                              theorem Complex.ofReal_zpow (r : ) (n : ) :
                              (r ^ n) = r ^ n
                              theorem Complex.div_I (z : ) :
                              theorem Complex.normSq_inv (z : ) :
                              Complex.normSq z⁻¹ = (Complex.normSq z)⁻¹
                              theorem Complex.normSq_div (z : ) (w : ) :
                              Complex.normSq (z / w) = Complex.normSq z / Complex.normSq w
                              theorem Complex.div_ofReal (z : ) (x : ) :
                              z / x = { re := z.re / x, im := z.im / x }
                              theorem Complex.div_natCast (z : ) (n : ) :
                              z / n = { re := z.re / n, im := z.im / n }
                              @[deprecated Complex.div_natCast]
                              theorem Complex.div_nat_cast (z : ) (n : ) :
                              z / n = { re := z.re / n, im := z.im / n }

                              Alias of Complex.div_natCast.

                              theorem Complex.div_intCast (z : ) (n : ) :
                              z / n = { re := z.re / n, im := z.im / n }
                              @[deprecated Complex.div_intCast]
                              theorem Complex.div_int_cast (z : ) (n : ) :
                              z / n = { re := z.re / n, im := z.im / n }

                              Alias of Complex.div_intCast.

                              theorem Complex.div_ratCast (z : ) (x : ) :
                              z / x = { re := z.re / x, im := z.im / x }
                              @[deprecated Complex.div_ratCast]
                              theorem Complex.div_rat_cast (z : ) (x : ) :
                              z / x = { re := z.re / x, im := z.im / x }

                              Alias of Complex.div_ratCast.

                              theorem Complex.div_ofNat (z : ) (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
                              z / OfNat.ofNat n = { re := z.re / OfNat.ofNat n, im := z.im / OfNat.ofNat n }
                              theorem Complex.div_ofReal_re (z : ) (x : ) :
                              (z / x).re = z.re / x
                              theorem Complex.div_ofReal_im (z : ) (x : ) :
                              (z / x).im = z.im / x
                              theorem Complex.div_natCast_re (z : ) (n : ) :
                              (z / n).re = z.re / n
                              theorem Complex.div_natCast_im (z : ) (n : ) :
                              (z / n).im = z.im / n
                              theorem Complex.div_intCast_re (z : ) (n : ) :
                              (z / n).re = z.re / n
                              theorem Complex.div_intCast_im (z : ) (n : ) :
                              (z / n).im = z.im / n
                              theorem Complex.div_ratCast_re (z : ) (x : ) :
                              (z / x).re = z.re / x
                              theorem Complex.div_ratCast_im (z : ) (x : ) :
                              (z / x).im = z.im / x
                              @[deprecated Complex.div_ratCast_im]
                              theorem Complex.div_rat_cast_im (z : ) (x : ) :
                              (z / x).im = z.im / x

                              Alias of Complex.div_ratCast_im.

                              theorem Complex.div_ofNat_re (z : ) (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
                              (z / OfNat.ofNat n).re = z.re / OfNat.ofNat n
                              theorem Complex.div_ofNat_im (z : ) (n : ) [n.AtLeastTwo] :
                              (z / OfNat.ofNat n).im = z.im / OfNat.ofNat n

                              Characteristic zero #

                              theorem Complex.re_eq_add_conj (z : ) :
                              z.re = (z + (starRingEnd ) z) / 2

                              A complex number z plus its conjugate conj z is 2 times its real part.

                              theorem Complex.im_eq_sub_conj (z : ) :
                              z.im = (z - (starRingEnd ) z) / (2 * Complex.I)

                              A complex number z minus its conjugate conj z is 2i times its imaginary part.

                              unsafe instance Complex.instRepr :

                              Show the imaginary number ⟨x, y⟩ as an "x + y*I" string

                              Note that the Real numbers used for x and y will show as cauchy sequences due to the way Real numbers are represented.